Sunday, September 30, 2012

the legend:john bonham

in around 1964, a local session drummer was asked to leave birmingham studio because he was too loud for the owner,furthermore he was told that there was no future for drummers as loud as him, fast forward.... ten years later , the owner received a note reading  "thanks for career advice" and accmpanied by a led zepplin gold record it was simply sighned "bonzo".
25th september ,2012 marks the 32nd death anniversary of legendary drummer "john bonham, drummer for led zepplin
in honour of john bonham i dedicate this blog to him.the period from 1965-1980 was a time when rock"n"roll was undergoing the vital transition into mainstream rock.
this was the time when  music of the pop sound became slightly darker.hard rock was the term coined for this form of music'
the songs were becoming lengthier,the drumming was more than the usual. led zepplin was one group which led front in this new change under under jimmy page and robert plant.,one of the rock's greatest sonic architecture.
if it hadn't been for the intense been for the intense thrashing provided by john bonham  a lesser known session drummer than ,As zepplin produced gold after gold records , bonham established himself as the influential rock"n"roll drummers in the history of rock music. armed with the "biggest and heaviest possible drumsticks" which he liked to refer as "trees", he provided the furious rythm section that defines LED ZEPPLIN .
moby dick, this was john bonham's showcase song on early zepplin tours his solo would last up to 30 minute, while rest of the band would go off stage and grab a beer. if sticks were not enough he would use his bare hands on drums to produce sounds.
bonham sometimes drew blood by performing from beating his snare and tom toms for half an hour.
john bonham was the god father hard rock drumming and he has inspired legends of modern age drummers worldwide.
bonham died at the a of 32 due to alchohol problems. it was a very tragic news for rock world. it was a mark a mark of how much he contributed to rock music and led zepplin ,that its remaining members decided to call it quits.
"there ain't no led zepplin without bonzo(bonham)" were robert plant's exact words and same is true for rock music.

one of his best work watch it

Saturday, September 29, 2012

my first metal t-shirt

When I was growing up as a child, it was early nineties and I was surrounded by young guys wearing those black T-Shirts, printed on them were the words like "IRON" and "MAIDEN" or "AC-DC". Then, I was about 5 or 6 and don't have any idea of what those words meant. So I use to ask my parents but the answer they gave is not so humble. Rather they asked me to keep myself away from those stuffs and those kind of guys. They said those guys are "bad". I was afraid(still I do) of my parents more than anything else in this world so I tried not to think about those words and when I see boys wearing such shirts, I tried to ignore. But it all changed one day, the day when I went to a friend’s place. His brother was also wearing a black T-Shirt and he was playing some kind of music on his music system that I liked the very moment I heard it. So I went there more often, not to meet my friend but to listen to the songs his brother listens to. One day I asked him about the music he was listening and also about those black T-shirt. What he answered I don't exactly remembered but I remembered that he gave me some cassettes featuring such kind of music and thus introducing me to the world of what is known as METAL. Although I don't want my parents to know about those things but they somehow found it out that their son is also in the same path, those "bad boys" walk. They realised that it is of no use to ask me to keep out of such noisy and anti "God" (that’s what they call it) music and thought that as I'll grow up such craziness will fade away with time. But what they didn't realise that the more I listen to those noisy anti "God" music the more it grew in my heart  and started to flow through my veins and the arteries.
From the day I realised the glory of wearing a metal T-shirt I always wanted to buy one, but was afraid to ask my parents for money( I don't think that I need to explain the reason why). But now since they already knew everything it was like an official permit for me. So finally i buy my very first metal T-Shirt with the letters "AC-D and C" printed on it, which I used to wear almost anywhere and everywhere I went to and I feel proud of it.But now the times are changed. The agony and pain one had to face to go to a metal concert is gone. The melodic guitar solos are surpassed by the fast ones so is the clean vocals by the growling one. What we used to hear became "classic" and a new era of Nu-Metal has begun. But what is not changed is the proud and glory of having your very first metal T-Shirt. The shirt which I'm very sure is tucked in some corner of the wardrobe and still when we look at it we feel proud to be a "METALHEAD".

follow me @fakewrestler

indy underground bands

No sponsors, No limelight ,No fame and as it follows naturally no or very few people who listen to your songs , well i am not talking about some singer of years who has been all forgotten as it sounds, but i am talking about Indian Underground Bands, who struggle to make some good music that would speak something related to the "Society" or "Life" without earning anything , they are those unrecognised or rather say unfortunate mob who are driven by a passion for music.
These bands mostly comprise of some like minded people (mostly college students)who do not have any godfather but do have some talent whereas on the other side no sponsors means they have to arrange for every equipment they need to work on, like one gets the drums the other a guitar and if they can afford one, a DJ console, but they don't use it the way it is used in hindi song remix, reason being, isn't it stupid to use useless screeching that's too rough on ears, again no sponsor means that a friends bed room is used as a makeshift recording room and this compromise often reflects on their recorded songs eg, useless echo or some noise. But as they say every cloud has a silver lining many bands have come up to surface and are enjoying every bit of their fame, we hear their songs in concerts which mainly are from famous bands otherwise song by underground bands are mostly spread through written CDs and bluetooth sometimes ( 1 phone to another).
But now they have a platform, making serious efforts to remove anything thats underground about them, like Channel V Launchpad, but they did it for TRPs ,didnt they?, and yes many bands did surface their, well since i am not neck deep in to rock, i can say that many websites are trying hard to promote Indian Rock And Metal music, but simultaneously a search engine , always searching for passionate bands and gets them the recognization they deserve, future is finally looking up for these bands.

                                                     "Screw It ,Let's Do It"

check it out
follow me on twitter ray aka fakewrestler

ticket to filmy world

What a dream??? You are some native of remote region looking to make in to Bollywood , you catch "Kanyakumari" or "Avadh Express"( depending on which region you reside) , open your eyes and see you become an overnight star in Bollywood , as if it is as easy as getting down at "Dadar" station from the train you came in mumbai( biggest thing of your life),the city where dreams come true , and as next obvious thing is that you abandon the train(silliest thing ).
I am not talking fancy, but a fact though not in exact terms,try to remember a band called PENTAGRAM a band long forgotten and their lead vocalist "vishal dadlani" till the V-Launch pad, caught eyes of some in fillum line and as they say rest is history.The charm for money outcast the passion for former priority, the time spent in making music is now replaced by long hours wasted in an a/c studio just for a single liner, and more hours in studio is directly proportional to the percentage of fat on his body, and he looks only more bubbly with all that fat on those wrong places (pun intended) I suggest a new name "Vishal Bubblani" . And yes why would anybody would be into Rock/Metal music,if there is no money,chicks,fame etc .That's a reality, nobody can run away from it.. But jokes apart, what pleasure does he derive from those silly songs ? Money and fame definately but satisfaction, definately not . Songs like CASH, A CHORI etc,what bloody fuckin shit . A rockstar can be so talented i din't know .Such kickass I can only pitty people as they hear such a beautiful songs, it is only because that they get these cheap songs in market . He has even made some good songs, but if he would have contributed his talent to Indian Rock/Metal music.
Limelight changes our attitude and the way one thinks as well here's an example, when questioned about his favourite accessory "My underwear" was his answer, is that so i exclaimed to myself because for us its necessary, as it supports that organ that hangs, and the smaller the organ the lesser the need, and hence the answer i assume . But in our very own country for some people he is a dude ,"Oh ma God what an answer,check out the attitude....Wow",girls go crazy.Common grow up just think a bit . Seriously again with some facts now , pentagram was a 4 member band, 2 fleed including randolf, 2 still remain from the former band in exile though, little can they do but watch vishal judge little kids on Sa,Re Ga,Ma,Pa who are only too young to apprehand whats happening,again only 1 will win,get some songs to sing in, and will go back to exile like the 2 band members . All for bloody fu*kin fame . Do you think those are reality shows?, it is just for the channels to make money. I ask you people "India" is known for its culture, why don't channels keep classical singing reality shows i think that is what we are . We are nowadays lagging in classical singing. Every youth wants to be a disco dancer, hero and all. Why not bharatnatyam,kathakali etc. I think "Vishal" can judge these stuffs too,cuz the way he was headbanging and moshing on "Vande Mataram" in Saregama. Holy Shit ,is that a headbanging stuff...I want to ask you people.On the other hand when it comes to Rock Show all the mothafu*kin politicians and police come to culture and tradtions. I think there's nothing wrong in that,atleast it's better than those Bollywood videos where naked bitches strip for no fu*kin reasons. But who cares about them,because they would anyhow won't be able to make up in industry .

this blog  is just my opinion i don't hate vishal i dont no who is he to hate him so dont crucify me guys 
follow him on twitter 
watch his song which i kinda liked its known as madari listen this,his best work

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Looking Back at The Original Extreme Championship Wrestling

I was browsing youtube i found a clip from 90's which was named raven vs tommy dreamer it was like a 20 minute match and i never thought it would blow me away like it did ..
i was 17-years-old, I was blown away.
Growing up i was always a wrestling fan or should i say WWE fan i never saw something extreme, never got a chance but that day i found out what is extreme although when i found out ecw it was too late and it was closed but still it was new for me.
This wasn’t traditional, time-honored professional wrestling. This was insanity, broadcast in poor quality, from a dingy former bingo hall.
It was fascinating.
The line wrapped around the building and fans were bringing their own weapons.
Staff members were going down the line collecting everything from keyboards to cheese graters and later that night, New Jack would use just about all of them on his unlucky opposition.
ECW was my introduction to hardcore wrestling.
Guys like New Jack and his partner Mustafa, 911, The Sandman, Balls Mahoney, Axl and Ian Rotten, and of course, Tommy Dreamer were never going to be master technicians in the ring.
The fans didn’t care though, these guys went out there and put on a show and obviously took great pride in what they did.
While the hardcore exploits of those guys was what initially caught my eye and drew me into the land of extreme, I soon realized that ECW was really about a lot more than foreign objects and brawling.
Some of the best wrestling of the ‘90s went down inside of ECW rings.
Names like Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Jericho, Dean Malenko, 2 Cold Scorpio, Rey Mysterio and Psychosis all wowed crowds with their incredible athleticism and technical skill.
Most of these wrestlers only stayed for a short time, but their legacy in ECW was not one of barbed-wire and broken glass. They made their mark with wrestling ability.
The ECW fans may have been bloodthirsty, but they also knew how to appreciate a good wrestling match.
Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn turned in classic after classic throughout 1999. Mike Awesome and Masato Tanaka brought their rivalry into ECW and churned out some epic matches.
There were broken tables and bodies, this was ECW after all, but the wrestling was also damn good.
"The Franchise" Shane Douglas may never be considered one of the greatest wrestlers of all-time but he certainly should be ranked near the top of list when it comes to the all-time greatest heels.
His reign as ECW Television Champion saw him attack "Pitbull" Gary Wolfe, who at the time wore a surgically-implanted halo to help heal his broken neck. Wolfe had broken his neck earlier that year during a match with Douglas.
That is just one example of why “The Franchise” was truly the most hated man in all of ECW, and maybe even all of pro wrestling, for much of the ‘90s.
Douglas could also lay claim to ushering in the extreme area of ECW, which at one time went by the name of Eastern Championship Wrestling.
After winning the NWA World Heavyweight Championship, Douglas cut his now infamous promo where he threw the legendary belt down and declared himself the ECW Champion.
“The Night the Line Was Crossed” will go down in history as one of the most shocking moments in wrestling history.
Douglas was the type of guy that you loved to hate, and nothing made the ECW fans pop louder than the moment Taz wrapped his arms around the neck of “The Franchise” and choked him out to win the ECW World Heavyweight Championship at “Guilty As Charged” in 1999.
Taz and Douglas feuded for the better part of two years and produced some of the most memorable moments in all of ECW.
“The Human Suplex Machine” tazz exuded intensity and his lack of size was more than made up for by his toughness and heart. His matches against the likes of Douglas, Bam Bam Bigelow and Sabu stand out in my mind as classics from that era of pro wrestling.
And of course, there was Sabu.
Suicidal, homicidal, genocidal.
In many ways, Sabu was the epitome of ECW. He wrestled like a caged animal who had finally broken free from his chains, throwing all caution to the wind and risking life and limb to pull off his insane stunts.
Sabu will probably never be called a great wrestler, but his reckless attitude and unpredictability made him one of the most popular performers on the ECW roster.
The TNA “Hardcore Justice” event has proven that the spirit of the original ECW still lives on after all these years.
While things have certainly toned down greatly since the ‘90s, there was a time when the hardcore antics and edgy storylines of ECW served as inspiration for the “Attitude Era” that WWE fans still talk fondly about.
It wasn’t for everyone. If the WWE and WCW were the top 40, ECW was the punk rock of pro wrestling. At it’s best, it was underground and it was unlike anything wrestling fans had seen.
The downfall of ECW came once Paul Heyman tried to shine too large of a spotlight on his promotion.
ECW on TNN never felt right. ECW was the kind of thing you had to find at 2 a.m. on some random channel, that is when it felt right.
As influential and groundbreaking as ECW was, in the end it was still simply a niche wrestling promotion that was best aimed at a niche wrestling audience.
It’s nice to see the company continue to get recognition after all these years

Birth of ECW


It was a show in ECW arena, shane douglas vs too cold scorpio for nwa heavyweight title, after 15 minutes of back and forth action in ring "the frachise" shane douglas won the match and nwa title 
after this win shane douglas delivered a speech which changed the fate of ECW 

"In the tradition of Lou Thesz, in the tradition of Jack Brisco of the Brisco Brothers, of Dory Funk Jr., of Terry Funk-- the man who will never die. As the real Nature Boy Buddy Rogers, upstairs tonight. From the Harley Races, to the Barry Windhams, to the...(Douglas grimaces in a thinly veiled look of disgust) Ric Flairs, I accept this heavyweight title. ... Wait a second. Of Kerry Von Erich. Of the fat man himself, Dusty Rhodes. This is it tonight, Dad. God, that's beautiful. And Rick Steamboat, and they can all kiss my ass! (throws down the NWA World Heavyweight Championship) Because! I am not the man who accepts a torch to be handed down to me from an organization that died-- RIP-- seven years ago. The Franchise, Shane Douglas, is the man who ignites the new flame of the sport of professional wrestling! [taking the ECW title] Tonight, before God and my father is witness, I declare myself, The Franchise, as the new ECW Heavyweight Champion of the world! We have set out to change the face of professional wrestling. So tonight, let the new era begin: the era of the sport of professional wrestling, the era of The Franchise, the era of the ECW"..

  douglas said these words and threw the nwa title and proclaimed himself as ecw champion he went on To say that ecw title was the only world title in the world.
soon after this tod gordan and paul heyman changed ecw  into eastern championship wrestling to extreme championship wrestling. this also helped ecw to create its controversial image.
this event marked the birth of ecw, the extreme championship wrestling..later years ecw helped to bring lucha libre,shoot style wrestling and many hardcore matches..
although ECW went bankrupt in 2001 and closed its doors but the legacy remains the fans still chants ECW and its still going strong.. 



Sunday, September 23, 2012

how fake is wrestling?

like the title says how fake is wrestling? is wrestling a fake sport? is wrestling a sport ? here i am talking about pro wrestling. i am lifelong fan of wrestling but not everyone is a fan.. many say its fake , its fixed.. but what is fixed?. the bumps,kicks,punches??  sometime i agree with them wrestling is not completely  legit at some point they have to fake it but this article is not about how they fake it its about is it completely fake..... lets look at it many say wrestling doesn't hurt but that's not true recently wwe wrestler edge was forced to retire because of injuries. is that fake? he said that if he had one more match he may have died or his body would have paralysed is that fake? ... its open secret that before wrestling match they determine the results. they do this because, wrestlers can get injured if it completely shoot style wrestling so they pre determine the results so its not fake.. they take beatings just look at this pic above is that fake maybe not .. wrestling in my opinion its not completely a sport but the wrestlers are athletes but with more entertainment prospects they are also known as entertainers wrestlers must have charisma, mic skills so its not completely a sport this article is not a complete article i am new in blogging so please forgive me if it is stupid press this you can see some omg pics thank you for reading, this my favorite match just watch it if you got some time

metal or the music in which you can make money?

like 2 years i found out that music is what i wanted to do i wanted to make it in rock music, be in a band, play shows for craziest bastard,entertain peoples,... but where i come all this is known as a sort of a crime like "son:dad i want to be rocker.... dad:oh my god my son needs a doctor... ya i know parents wants their kids to be successful, rich and couple of other things so they want their children to go other field like doctor ,engineering or banking ....but what about passion? determination? well big words huh... the reason for this blog is like two days ago i was talking about some music stuff with my friends and some teachers suddenly my sir gave me an option he said that there is a music school in which if i graduate i will get a good job and some great money but the catch is i have work in "THE BOLLYWOOD INDUSTRY" as a session musician or as a sound engineer. but i am not a fan of this filmy stuff i don't wanna do it what i actually wanna do is rock music but there is few chance that i make it in rock music because i don't have any support or i don't have band but i still got that heart i still wanna play loud music but another thing which is bugging me is that if i quit rock music because there's no much exposure if i do that.. it will kill me my whole life and what if there is no exposure for music i love ill get it ill help rock music to get more exposure.... if the guys from Demonic Resurrection quit in their i think we would never got a chance to see that kind of music getting national exposure in this country so you guys tell me should i sell out and go for filmy which i kinda hate or should i work my ass of for my fucking favorite life changing music  known as ROCK music

 this is the reason why i am in the music just watch it its good
demonic resurrection 

why not wrestling?

around 2006 wwe champion john cena came to india for appearences everyone thought it would be just another appearence and it wold be bland it wuldnt be succesful but it came out to be different something really strange happened when john cena was making appearence in mumbai people went crazy like they are looking at their hero even john cena was surprised and went on to say best crowd ever, ,lets put these things aside recently tna tried their luck in india and quite frankly they got success the debut episode did very well, but like wwe tna is not connected with people here so if wwe tried this it would have greater sucess, but lets put these things aside talk about "why not wrestling in india" guys common we have great fanbase and all those fans are raw fans unlike american fans they know everything about it inside out but indian fans they only know whats happening in the tv they dont care about whats happening backstage, who has heat, and all things......but thats not the problem here is the audience and parents, okay now dont laugh at this one i have heard some mom's still refer wwe as wwf really i am speechless, forget about folks everyone knows why they are against it... but there are only few promotions and there is no national exposure with little bit exposure i think even country can make some revenue and i am damn sure punjab and some north indian guys are huge and talented so one more time 'why not wrestling in india' guys and gals think about it i know this is not the best article but ill try to write about it guys so please dont crucify me
these are some videos if u like to watch