Sunday, September 23, 2012

metal or the music in which you can make money?

like 2 years i found out that music is what i wanted to do i wanted to make it in rock music, be in a band, play shows for craziest bastard,entertain peoples,... but where i come all this is known as a sort of a crime like "son:dad i want to be rocker.... dad:oh my god my son needs a doctor... ya i know parents wants their kids to be successful, rich and couple of other things so they want their children to go other field like doctor ,engineering or banking ....but what about passion? determination? well big words huh... the reason for this blog is like two days ago i was talking about some music stuff with my friends and some teachers suddenly my sir gave me an option he said that there is a music school in which if i graduate i will get a good job and some great money but the catch is i have work in "THE BOLLYWOOD INDUSTRY" as a session musician or as a sound engineer. but i am not a fan of this filmy stuff i don't wanna do it what i actually wanna do is rock music but there is few chance that i make it in rock music because i don't have any support or i don't have band but i still got that heart i still wanna play loud music but another thing which is bugging me is that if i quit rock music because there's no much exposure if i do that.. it will kill me my whole life and what if there is no exposure for music i love ill get it ill help rock music to get more exposure.... if the guys from Demonic Resurrection quit in their i think we would never got a chance to see that kind of music getting national exposure in this country so you guys tell me should i sell out and go for filmy which i kinda hate or should i work my ass of for my fucking favorite life changing music  known as ROCK music

 this is the reason why i am in the music just watch it its good
demonic resurrection 

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