Wednesday, January 23, 2013

who knew a frickin job in cyber cafe is so hard!!

i was looking for part time job and luckily i got one and i was suppose to see that and learn what they were doing and learn and i did pretty good job at that one. i was able to handle a cyber by myself from that day. and now came the salary. well i never asked "how much i will have". but that dudes told me that they will pay me rs.3000 which was really good because i was only expecting like rs.2000 to 2300. so i was really happy and i started doing that after 2 days i went there and there was another guy sitting in my place and i called the "BOSS" and asked what the fuck did just happened and now in his words "he got another guy who would work for only for rs.1300". and long story short i lost my first frickin job. in the end i am just going to say this man there is lot of competition out there and rather than competing in that competition i would blog about it and spend my dad's money( at least i felt like that)

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